Senior French students take part in debate against Belvedere

NEWS / 27 October 2023

On Thursday evening, 26th October, four senior French students took part in French online debate against Belvedere College (Les Joutes Oratoires organised by the Alliance Francaise). 

The motion was 'Le droit de vote devrait être accordé dès l'âge de 16 ans' (The right to vote should be accorded from the age of 16' and we (Yoan, Kishaylin, Caoimhe and Carrie) had to argue against it. Belvedere College were excellent and definitely deserved their victory. However I was still very impressed at their courage for taking part in the first place (including Yoan, who only started French in TY) and trying to rebut the other team right from the start.

This is the first time that I have picked 5th years to enter so I am hoping that they will have gained a lot of experience for next year!

Ms Dos Santos

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