Safe Route to Schools Update

NEWS / 8 July 2024

A ‘School Zone’ road surface sign will be painted directly on Zion Road on the northern side of the turn for Victoria Road. This is to advise motorists they are in a School Zone and to drive accordingly.

Two new ‘School Ahead’ with flashing amber signs will be installed on Zion Road on the northern side of the turn for Victoria Road. This is to advise motorists they are in a School Zone and to drive accordingly. 

Blister paving has been laid for pedestrian crossings. This surface provides a warning to someone with a visual impairment that they are at a road crossing. The surface is an essential safety feature and consists of rows of flat topped blisters in a square pattern.

And a bike shelter and bike racks was provided by SRTS last year and is at the rear of the school. 

Click for more details. 

Why is Dublin City Council (DCC) implementing this School Zone?

Traffic-related safety concerns have been reported and observed by the schools, parents, neighbours, Dublin City Council’s School Warden Service, Parking Enforcement and School Mobility Officer, including: 

Parking on footpaths on both sides of Zion Road

Unsafe scooting and cycling conditions, especially caused by parking and driving on footpaths

Unsafe passage of children from traffic island outside the school to the school gate

The high volume of vehicular traffic at school drop-off and collection times

Safety issues relating to poor visibility for school warden

Children being dropped off in the middle of the road

The design has not changed but the consultation hub has been updated with a synopsis of feedback received and Dublin City Council’s responses to same. This can be viewed here along with the design.

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