Quantum project wins two big prizes at 2021 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition!

NEWS / 8 January 2021

Breaking news! Ayush's quantum programming language that he developed himself and is called "Q" won 1st prize in the Individual Intermediate Technology section and the Stripe Special award at today's @BTYSTE BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition.

[This post is from 2021. Read the blog about Ayush winning the Best Individual Project and Horizon Student Award at the 2023 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition.]

The criteria for the Stripe award is: Most ambitious use of software in enabling a device or creating a service which will likely have a significant economic and/or social impact when deployed at scale. This is an amazing achievement!

Note: Patrick Collison won the BTYSTE award in 2005 and is the co-founder of Stripe (an e-payments company) with his brother John.

Furthermore Ayush and I would like to thank Professor Brendan Tangney, Computer Science & Statistics and a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin and Dr Keith Quille, Lecturer of Computing in TU Dublin, Tallaght Campus and CSInc for their insights and their help in the narrative of Ayush's project report. We would also like to thank Dr. Lee O'Riordan from the Irish Society For High-End Computing for offering his thoughts on future developments of this project.

Thanks too to Dr Chris Exton - Computer Science Lecturer in UL, Dr Frank Glavin - Computer Science Lecturer in NUIG and Dr Michael McGettrick - Maths Lecturer in NUIG for taking the time to consider Ayush's project.

There are two videos to watch - Ayush's 3 minute video explaining his project and the awards ceremony itself @BTYSTE. See also Silicon Republic's report!

A proud day for Ayush, his family, everyone in Stratford College and Quantum Computer Science! See also Awards & Achievements and BTYSTE results.

Ms O'Kelly

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