“I am so proud to see Jewish Studies as a subject alongside all the other specifications on the Junior Cycle Website” said Ms. Gordon which was examined for the first time this year. Carrie Barling and Mori Cox from Transition Year then shared their experience of the Jewish Studies Specification.
Student Council representatives from Second and Third Year had the chance to ask the Chief Rabbi some questions relating to his job and position, interfaith dialogue, the impact of Covid on his role and responsibility and how he is encouraging young people to practice their Jewish faith. The Chief Rabbi had very interesting answers and a very positive frame of mind. “People respect you if you are proud of your identity” he said inspiring all of us to be proud of who we are. And he urged us to take time off from the demands of everyday living, to digitally detox regularly!
Thank you so much Chief Rabbi Mirvis for coming to Stratford and thanks to everyone who helped organise and run the assembly today.https://www.thejc.com/news/news/arise-sir-ephraim-meet-the-man-behind-the-new-years-knighthood-6EYntcDpnwWJRI8tVQXRik
See our gallery for more pictures.
Mikey Hadromi, Izzy Baldwin and Gali Bachar, Third Year