Ritvik, Noah and Hoa Wen (Third Year) are entered in to the Intermediate, Group, Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences category with their project, “Investigating if AI can help us make better batteries”.
Bláithnáid (TY) has designed a robot to help provide assistance to older people called “Helper 347”. Bláithnáid is entered in the Intermediate Individual, Health & Wellbeing category.
Liam and Joseph, (TY) are entered in to the Intermediate, Group, Technology category with their project, “Sienna: Your dynamic AI Voice companion – Redefining Personal Assistance”.
Stratford’s fourth project, (Second Year) Ciara’s project title is “ISL (Irish Sign Language) Translator and is entered in the Junior, Individual, Techology section.
Judging begins on Wednesday 10th January and the doors open to the public from Thursday 11th – 13th January.
It is Liam and Joseph’s second time to be invited to BTYSTE and for the rest of our students it is their first experience!
We wish each of them the very best of luck in this exciting competition! Stratford is very proud of you all!