It has been offered to students at Junior and Senior cycle, is voluntary in attendance and runs for 7/8 weeks. The Junior Cycle programme is entitled – ‘The Pathways Programme’ and the Senior Cycle progamme is entitled ‘A Man for All Seasons’.
It explores the needs of young men, journey from boyhood to manhood, characteristics of positive masculinity, male roles in society, the need for male companionship / ‘anam cara’s’, looking at what makes a ‘good man’, mentorship etc.Sitting together we use silence, contemplation, journaling, homework and dialogue to explore issues relevant to young men and so far feedback has been very positive. There are plans to expand the programme in the coming months with sessions designed and dedicated to young women students also.
Michael Kelly
Student Support Worker
Some Resources
Andrew Lines from The Rite Journey (Australia) was very gracious in allowing us to use excerpts from his Rite Journey manuals, to 'test the waters' in the school and see if their content was relevant and appropriate.
Richard Rohr video -
lluman home page -
Young Men's Rites of Passage (Ireland) home page - https://youngmensritesireland....
MALES Ireland home page -